A successful business attracts customers and keeps them coming back. Everything about a business should aim for repeat business. Despite having a great line-up of products and excellent service, not every business achieves that goal. It’s due to one simple, yet fairly common problem: a lack of parking space.
One of the aspects often overlooked by restaurants, cafes and many other businesses that rely on a steady flow of customers is parking.
Americans spend an average of 17 hours a year searching for parking.
In order to have a successful business, it is essential to find a location that is equipped with enough parking to accomodate customers and employees.
The Solution
Business operators can manage their parking spaces by offering a valet parking service. Simple parking space shortages can cause a lot of problems for businesses in the long run. It’s important to maximize the potential of your business by managing your parking spaces just like a restaurant manages seating for guests.
Nobody likes to drive around the block several times to find a space to park, it could potentially drive clients away to look for a similar business with better parking space options. This is particularly true when it comes to customers with disabilities. For some people, it is simply not an option to use anything other than valet parking.
Where to start
The best way to determine what the actual parking requirements are for your business is to conduct research on similar businesses around your location. Determine the volume of traffic during peak hours to have a reference on how much parking space your business would require. If you come to the conclusion you have a lack of parking, look into offering valet service before searching for a new location.
A parking shortage is a serious problem, but it is something that can be avoided or remedied by managing your parking lot by offering valet service
Need a parking service provider?
Visit the The Valet Spot Directory for a list of qualified providers in your area.