Five Questions to Ask The Valet Company Bidding on Your Business

Offering valet services is a great way for a company to enhance their customer’s experience and leave a lasting impression. Your valet service is your first and last point of contact with your customer, and the valet company will be viewed by your customer as an extension of your company. For this reason it is important to take some time to find the company that holds a similar set of values as your company. Here are five questions you should ask:

 1.       Is the company insured?

This is the most important question to ask the valet company bidding on your business. 

“Even the smallest accidents can create a lawsuit in today’s environment…it could potentially ruin the company”, Dale Easton, President of Valet Insurance Professionals LLC explains. “It is difficult for companies to protect themselves when insurance companies typically side with the claimant.”

In the unlikely case of an accident, the customer will form an opinion about your company based on how your valet service handles the issue. If the valet company handles the situation poorly or cannot compensate the customer in the event that the valet company is at fault it could severely damage your relationship with the customer and your company’s image. If the valet company handles the situation correctly, your company’s reputation and your relationship with the customer will be salvaged, if not strengthened.

There are two types of insurance your valet service should have:

Garage liability insurance- This will cover anything the company is liable for other than physical damage. For example, if someone was injured the company would be covered. The company should have general liability insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000.

Garage keeper insurance- This will cover any physical damage done to cars or property. This insurance can range, but make sure that the company’s insurance fits the demographic of cars they will be handling. You wouldn’t want to be covered for only $50,000 in damage if you were driving Lamborghinis everyday!

For more information on valet insurance visit

2.       Are they a member of the National Valet Parking Association (NVPA)?

All members of the NVPA must satisfy a high level of standards for the following criteria: safety procedures, security procedures, employment, insurance, claims management, and customer service.

 Being a member of the NVPA is a giant stamp of approval. It means the NVPA has already asked all the hard questions for you, and that the company adheres to a very high set of standards.

 You can learn more about the NVPA and what it takes to be a member at 

 3.       What equipment will the company use?

Specify what equipment is acceptable. You don’t want a valet company showing up at your red carpet event with a three year old, beat up valet podium. Make sure they are using a valet podium or key box that will compliment your company’s image.

If you or your valet company is in need of quality, new parking equipment, you can find that here at the Valet Spot!  Whatever your valet needs, we have you covered. 

4.       What uniform will the valet’s where?

A polo shirt might be too casual for an upscale restaurant or bar. However a suit and bowtie might be overdoing it! Make sure your valet’s dress code fits the occasion.

5.       What is the minimum age of the valet company’s employees?

Your customer may not be very comfortable watching an 18 year old valet take off in his brand new Rolls Royce!

If you ask these 5 simple questions, you will put yourself in a better position to decide which valet company is suited for your business. With the right company, you can create a positive experience for your customers, ensuring they will want to come back with all their friends!

Be sure to check out our newest line of valet podiums and parking equipment!

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